
Want to raise some money for your organization or cause?  We offer two different formats for fundraisers:

1. We work together to come with up to 3 LOGO options.  You collect orders and payments ahead of time.  Once we receive payment, we deliver products within two weeks.  You sell the cups for $30 a piece, but buy them from us for $23 meaning $7 PROFIT PER CUP!

2. You take orders for cups with monograms or other personalization and collect all payments ahead of time.  Once we receive payment, we deliver products within 3-4 weeks.  You sell the cups for $30 a piece, but buy them from us for $25 meaning $5 PROFIT PER CUP!

Let us know how we can help you!

*Both fundraiser options are referring to the 30oz RTIC Tumblers.  If you are interested in doing a fundraiser with glassware, please let us know!

1 comment:

  1. what is the order processing time? do you have order forms?
